KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships

Warm-ups and Energizers
The games in this area are intended to be used at the start of any session to get the group ready for the work ahead. Some players need to be energised physically, others mentally. Some people need to concentrate, while others need to unwind. The necessity for the players to concentrate on the actual circumstances - the area, the group, and the available time – is common to all sessions. The majority of players take some time to focus their attention and energy. Warm-up activities aid this process by activating missing energy, expelling surplus energy, raising collective consciousness, and engaging the participants' sense of pleasure and playfulness, all of which are critical for achieving optimal results in subsequent activity.
 In a group setting, confidence is often a challenging issue to address. Many directors and theatre teachers think that their performers are self-assured, but this isn't always the case. When performing something familiar that they are comfortable with, most people remain assured, but when faced with a new activity or experience, they may feel less confident. The session leader's task is to operate in such a way that everyone in the group builds self-confidence. Many games aid group development by assisting players in getting to know one another and feeling at ease in their presence. All games performed in pairs allow participants to converse one-on-one.
Here below, you have a selection of warm-up activities that we have used in our project. They are organized on in 4 different categories to help you find the most suitable for your own needs. Click on each activity to download it.