KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships

Performing art
In this page we are showing the theatre plays based on our European Cultural Heritage, included in our project. Some drama techniques, learnt in Albacete (Spain) in the training sessions when we first met, are now applied here. Each country has picked up the plays that represent their cultural contribution. In some plays you'll see "two touch theatre", "gym mat theatre", slow motion, freezing images, etc.
The plays were performed live within each mobility in the hosting countries, except Blood Wedding, which had to be recorded and shown on the meeting on-line, due to the restrictions to travel because of COVID-19.
Note: the scripts of the Hungarian plays are downloadable by clicking on the titles below the video and Blood Wedding is in Spanish but you can activate English subtitles.
Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca (Spain)
Two Hungarian Folk Tales: The Pink Pig and Little Rooster’s Diamond Button
The New Adventures of Tintin and Snowy (Belgium)
Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann (Germany)